Here’s the perfection predicament - we want to have work go out that’s well done and error-free, knowing that this is a representation of our business. Yet the push for perfection can drag down business progress. How often do we get caught up in preparation, revision and polishing – but not finishing. It’s the ‘not [...]

PERFECTION PARALYSIS Is it Generational?2018-01-18T17:14:17-05:00

Meeting Misunderstandings and Missteps – it’s not just for international anymore

Over the past few weeks, we’ve covered four success tools for global meetings. There is one universal objective - have highly productive meetings with maximum engagement and complete understandability. And do this no matter what diversity of language or cultural background we are working with. I’ve received great comments on the series, both how valuable [...]

Meeting Misunderstandings and Missteps – it’s not just for international anymore2018-01-18T17:14:40-05:00

Global Meetings Success: a Final JISS Formula Factor

Tada! Here we are finalizing the JISS formula for global meeting success. Before getting to the final step, let’s check in on what we’re trying to achieve. Success in global meetings requires broad engagement, cross-cultural mix and synergies. This doesn’t happen by accident – it needs to be designed, encouraged and practiced. JISS provides four [...]

Global Meetings Success: a Final JISS Formula Factor2017-11-17T10:53:37-05:00

Your Third Key to Global Meetings Success: Slow the Speed

Now that you’ve mastered first two keys of the JISS (not KISS) formula, we’re getting to a toughie – Speed. And this one is critical. You might get away with a few mistakes on jargon and interaction and still have a successful meeting. NOT TRUE for Slow the Speed. The good news/bad news is that [...]

Your Third Key to Global Meetings Success: Slow the Speed2017-11-01T15:01:39-04:00

Global Meetings Success – the JISS principle, part two

Last week’s Thursday Thoughts covered Jettison the Jargon, your first key to global meetings success. In that post, I talked about a Thai manager in a global meeting who didn’t understand the term picky eater. She came to me during a break with that phrase and one other written down to ask what they meant. In [...]

Global Meetings Success – the JISS principle, part two2017-10-27T12:28:01-04:00

Global Meetings Success – the JISS principle

You’ve probably heard of the KISS principle: Keep it Simple Stupid.  Well, here’s the JISS principle for global meetings success! In today's post we'll dig into the "J", with following "Thursday Thoughts" detailing the rest of the factors. While I was working in Brazil, my Division VP received a request from the US home office [...]

Global Meetings Success – the JISS principle2017-10-24T14:21:41-04:00
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